How to alert out of stocks or low stocks

Welcome to Redsun: Out of Stock Manager! This guide will walk you through the steps to enable alert when a product go out of stock in your Shopify online store.

Step 1: Go to the “Alert” menu #

To enable alerts for out-of-stock products, click the “Alert” menu.
Within this menu, you will find an option to activate the feature that notifies you when a product is out of stock.

Step 2: Enable Alerting #

To activate the functionality for receiving alerts about products that are out of stock or have low stock, please choose the option labeled “Alert out-of-stock/low-stock products.”
Following this selection, proceed to make adjustments to any other relevant settings as required.

  • Threshold for inventory levels: Variant-specific or Product-wide.
  • Out-of-stock/Low-stock threshold.
  • Additional filters like location-based and continue selling settings.
  • Recipients’ email addresses: You can enter multiple emails, with each address separated by a comma.
  • Frequency of scheduler: Choose between selecting specific days in the week or days in the month.
  • Time to send alert. Scheduled alert delivery time is configured based on the UTC+00:00 timezone.
  • And, alternative alert delivery settings…

Step 3: Save Settings #

Finally, remember to click the Save button to apply your settings.
Subsequently, the system will send you alerts via email according to your configured preferences and selections.

Note #
  • You need to provide at least one email address in order to receive notifications.
  • After saving alert setting, we will sent an alert immediately. Subsequently, the timing of alert delivery in the following days will align with your configured preferences.

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